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Warface Competitive — now on consoles

2021-09-28 13:13:17


Good news for the eSports scene! You can now participate in the community-run FACEIT games and get rewarded.

What is FACEIT?

FACEIT is competitive 5 vs 5 custom games, based on specific rules. Each season starts on the 1st day of a month and lasts till the last one. During this month, players compete on the “Plant the Bomb” maps, and gain points. The more points you gain — the higher you climb in the monthly rating. Players having the most points at the end of the month will receive seasonal rewards. 

How to join?

Got interested? Join the WFC Faceit Console community Discord, get acquainted with the rules, jump into the battle and take the challenge!

Go and face it!

Lire plus

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Une nouvelle mise à jour a été installée sur les serveurs du jeux. Elle apporte une nouvelle carte pour le mode "Capture" qui offre des mécaniques uniques et deux nouveaux contrats. Dépêchez-vous de découvrir les changements dans le jeu!
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