Black Friday: Discount on starter packs and currency packs

2018-11-16 11:01:42


What to buy first: strong armor or a good gun? Why not both? Right now we have great discounts on starter packs and premium currency. Get more for the same price!

Discount on starter packs

If you’ve been eyeing these class sets, but haven’t been able to decide, now’s the time: we’re offering discounts on all these packs, a whole 40%! You can select a pack for any class and buy the whole set right now. You decide!

40% off all starter packs!

Find out more and select a pack

Discount on game currency

Every soldier has had the dilemma of what to choose before being deployed on a difficult mission: strong armor or a reliable weapon. Now you don’t have to choose. Get both, because there is a 20% discount on packs with game currency! To go to the packs and find out more, press on any image.

Up to 20% off packs with game currency!


Hurry! This offer only last until November 26!

Wishing you wins!

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