"Black Shark" missive

2018-10-11 11:14:52


Gifts are always nice to come by, aren't they? Log in daily over 10 days to claim yours: Kredits, Crowns, Access Tokens and the best part: "Black Shark" weapons! If looks could kill, these guns would get the job done twice: specs are more than enough to eliminate any target quickly and efficiently, while the unusual camo highlights the fierce nature of their owner. Not to mention their usability when it comes to anti-cybernetic warfare: deal increased damage to all cyborgs in the game! The tenth day login reward grants you something truly special: a permanent "Black Shark" axe!

The event will last October 11, 09:00 (GMT) through October 21, 09:00 (GMT).
Black Shark FN SCAR-H, Saiga 12S, XM8 Compact and Steyr Scout for 2 days
Permanent "Black Shark" axe!

Important! If you miss at least one day, your progress will be reset! You're not going to let that happen, are you? This permanent "Black Shark" axe is longing for a skillful owner!

By the way, this axe will come in handy in the "Black Shark" raid coming in this October update — nothing like hacking and slashing through Blackwood cyborg hordes with an axe!

See you in the game!

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