
Game shop reloaded

2019-12-10 23:43:38


Great news! In the framework of the Winter arms race, we are glad to offer a new weapon supply that is already waiting for you in the store with a discount of up to 30%. It is a unique opportunity to replenish your arsenal with the desired guns while they are available at a reasonable price!


Each gun sports specs suitable for a particular combat style. Just choose the weapon matching your manner of fighting and take the new companion to battle!

Classic weapon models available with a discount:

Enfield L85A2 Custom
Enfield L85A2 Custom
Stoner LMG A1
Stoner LMG A1

Golden models that feature better specs than their regular counterparts are also up for grabs:

Золотой SIG MPX SBR Custom
Golden SIG MPX SBR Custom

All the arms mentioned are obtainable from Random Boxes or via direct sale.

New weapons for new battles!

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