Receive the Collector’s Starter Pack

2018-06-27 20:05:20


The first deployment against Blackwood forces will happen soon and you better be prepared for it. We are giving away the Collector’s Starter Pack on the official social media – be there to grab it and arm to the teeth.

How can I get one?

  • Participate in daily giveaways on our official Facebook page  till July 4 and receive the reward for you and your console buddy!
  • Participate in the contest on Discord in this channel before July 12.
  • Retweet the pinned post on Twitter
  • Make sure that you’ve received the gift by logging in with your PS4 account on this website.

Join our social media for more contest and giveaways. Good luck!

Dear friends, soon enough the game will be released and you’ll be able to dive right into the heap of action as two major powers, Warface and Blackwood, come to clash. Make sure to join us on social networks and don’t miss a thing! Stay connected with us and other players, wherever you want!

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Welcome to the ranks of Warface!
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Be in touch