More Icebreaker and Earth Shaker weapons come to the store

2019-04-22 10:42:17


Do you like hunting your enemies down with Icebreaker and Earth Shaker weapons? We've got four new weapons of these series added to the store. You are about to rock on the battlefield!

Icebreaker Beretta ARX160 and DP-12

Both guns look cool (haha), yet their technical characteristics remained the same: you will deal with your enemies quickly and stylishly.

Don't forget the achievements you can get for using these weapons ti eliminate your foes.

Cooler guns prevail!

Earth Shaker SCAR-L PDW and AX308

Now that's hell of of gun. Imbued with the primal power of the vulcano, these guns will show your enemies you are on fire!

You'll get special achievements for killing 15000 enemies with particular guns and 10000 enemies with any guns of the Earth Shaker series.

Give your enemies a very warm welcome!

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