

Bigger In-Game Rewards
Earn 50% more Warface Dollars, XP and Arsenal Points until December 10 09:00 UTC!
2018-12-07 10:45:22
Micro-Roni CAA and the "Absolute" series in shop now
Check out the newest addition to the shop: for the first time ever, featuring the Micro-Roni CAA SMG and the "Absolute" series guns sporting a fine neon-jade finish.
2018-12-06 15:47:18
Golden PKP "Pecheneg" now in shop
Golden guns mean more than just prestige, they also have better combat specifications. Each point matters in a gunfight!
2018-12-04 10:35:10
Warface Advent Calendar
Take part in a simple event, receive gifts, and get into the holiday spirit right now!
2018-12-02 11:32:18
Discounts on "Winter Camo" and other guns!
Missed the Black Friday sales? No worries, we've got you covered with some great picks for this season, including the "Winter Camo" that speaks for itself!
2018-11-29 12:58:17
Golden guns and "Winter Camo" series
Arm yourself up with the "Winter Camo"-series and Golden guns, including the all-time favorite M16A3 assault rifle and all-time low prices. Something you just can't miss!
2018-11-27 10:53:24
Increased in-game rewards!
Want to get 50% increased rewards? You've got that chance now!
2018-11-23 16:34:31
Black Friday kicks off now
Guess what that soldier's after! But of course, the DOUBLE discounts!
2018-11-22 09:00:05
Winter Series at your service!
Which weapon should you take on a new raid to crush your enemies while remaining unnoticed against the snow? The Cold Peak Pack helps solve this problem!
2018-11-21 18:04:49
Atlas of War Pack
Check out the first new additions right now—the CZ 75-Auto is at your service, along with a whole crate of smoke grenades in the style of the upcoming event!
2018-11-21 17:06:57